Vegetable Soup 8″ Edge-to-Edge


A Quilt Recipe!

5 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: 1692-8 Category: Tags: ,



One night a friend from the guild called and asked if I had a vegetable pattern.  No, I didn’t.  She wanted to stitch a quilt for her horticulturist son whose birthday was the next day. Well, it didn’t sound too hard.  I didn’t need to do any research because I KNOW what FOOD looks like!  So I got busy and drew something out and e-mailed the sections.  It did take longer than I thought.  I was up until 4:00 A.M.  Amazingly, she was too!

In return, the next month Lynn made me my very own veggie quilt.  That’s a friend for you!

A college boyfriend gave me this soup recipe.  It turned out to be my husband’s favorite!

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