Soda Fountain 8″ Block Pattern


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Soda Fountain includes the following 13 designs (a baker’s dozen!): Banana Split, Ice Cream Soda, Waffle Cone with Sprinkles, Hot Fudge Sundae, Chocolate Shake, Turtle Sundae, Hand Dipped Cone, Rainbow Sherbet, Parfait, Root Beer Float, Soft Serve Cone, Brownie Fudge Sundae, and Cherry Lemonade.  In the cold Utah winters, A&W used to serve HOT Root Beer Floats!  Yummm!

Our good friend Helen Baczynski made the yummy pink quilt, “Sundae Treats” below.

When the paper copies of this pattern are out of stock, you can save money by downloading the very same blocks in Soda Fountain PDF Block Set.

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