Maple Breezes 15″ Edge to Edge


3 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: 1473-15 Category: Tags: , ,


Maple Breezes has been a popular pattern since its inception.  Maybe it’s because the Autumn season has such warm memories.  Offset or roll straight down for beautiful coverage.

You’ll have fun seeing the squirrels (or leaves) scurrying around the Maple Squirrels Border of you quilt.   Now available in and 11″ size!

I am not an “Autumn color” person.  I had always resisted those classes where they taught what “season” colors you should wear.  But they were right about me.  I was “winter” through and through.  When it came to needing a Fall quilt for my bed I decided on the purple colors of a stormy fall evening.  It was a good choice.  I hope you think so too.

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