Lewis and Clark Adventure 12″ Block Pattern


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Lewis and Clark Adventure includes the following 12 designs: Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, Sacagawea, Clark’s Nutcracker (a bird), Lewis’ Woodpecker, Wood’s Wild Rose, Mandan/Hidatsa Earth Lodge, Bitterroot (a plant), Great Falls and Hand-Hewn Canoe, Grizzly Bear, Bighorn Sheep, and Pompey’s Tower and Prairie Dogs.

NOTE: Unlike all our other 8″ block patterns, this pattern is 12″. Each design is surrounded by a ring specifically designed for its block, and has a description telling of its importance in the Lewis and Clark trek. We know you will enjoy this wonderful pattern!

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  1. CELEBRATE DESERT SPRING @ $2.00 OFF | MeadowLyon Designs

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