Feathered Serpent (Kukulcan) 5″ Border Pattern


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Feathered Serpent is a combination of two images, one from El Castilla at Chichen Itza and the other from numerous bas reliefs on scattered temples throughout the region. This Mayan version of the Great White God, commonly known as Kukulcan, is ubiquitous in Yucatan. His distinctive image will decorate your bright Latin quilt! (You’ll even see him in a popular movie in theaters January 2008!)

A few years ago some friends (LeAnn & Jim) invited Angela and me and our husbands to share a trip to Cancun.  I fell in love with the ruins at Chichen Itza.  (Well, actually I got lost – I blame it on the heat-missed the bus and everyone was looking for me.) I’ve always been fascinated with ancient architecture and even took college classes in Archaeology.  When we returned home I found delight in saving the memories in stitching patterns for the motifs I saw there.  Feathered Serpent or Kukulcan is derived from the serpent god motif found throughout the Mayan region.

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