Blackbird 6″ Border Pattern


Our Blackberries are ripening!

6 in stock

SKU: 1619-6 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Blackbird 6″ border with 2 1/2″ Dutch Hearts sashing.  These lovely borders coordinate with the Blackbird Pie Pantograph.  You can get them both together in the Blackbird Pie Set for 20% OFF.

This pattern was influenced by the beautiful birds and hearts in Pennsylvania Dutch Painting.   Both the sashing and the border have centralized motifs that you may want to “center” in the borders of your quilt.  In particular the hearts change direction half way along the pattern for your convenience.

We’re going to let these lovely patterns have a rest.  We will sell the paper copies until they are gone.  They will continue to be available individually as PDFs.

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  1. #38 Blackbird Set | MeadowLyon Designs

    […] lovely “sing-a-song-of sixpence” set has a “Blackbird Border” inspired by the Pennsylvania Dutch. “Blackbird Pie” Edge to Edge fills the […]

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