Mexican Vacation Set #28


Mayan Glyphs 8" Pictogram

4 in stock (can be backordered)

Feathered Serpent (Kukulcan) 5" Border Pattern

4 in stock (can be backordered)

Laguna de Cancun 5" Edge-to-Edge

Hey!  I'm also a BORDER.

2 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: 128 Category: Tag:


($48.00 value)

We took a trip to Cancun and wandered through the ruins at Chichen Itza.  These patterns are a reminder of that wonderful vacation.    I’m an archaeologist at heart,  and so curious about the people in Ancient America.  Aren’t you?

The set includes: Mayan Glyphs 8″ Pictogram with 1.5″ Mayan Trim, Feathered Serpent 5″ Border and Laguna de Cancun 5″ Border with 2″ Mayan Wave.

I’ve shown Portico Blooms although it’s not included in the set. Portico Blooms is a stylized flower found in Mayan textile decoration, Mayan hieroglyphs, and also as painted architectural décor on Aztec porches.

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Mayan Glyphs 8" Pictogram


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Feathered Serpent (Kukulcan) 5" Border Pattern


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