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April Sale and Giveaway Contest – 20% Off All Modern Designs

What would your Grandmother say if she could see you now, quilting modern pantographs on your long arm machine?



 Everywhere you look these days you see fabulous modern quilts-  quilts your Grandmother would never have dreamed of!  It’s all fun and bright, textural and geometric. . . and hard to resist!  You’ve got to have our trendy pantos to stitch up all those wonderful modern quilts!  So go ahead and put a modern spin on your creativity.

  Let’s amaze Grandma and make her proud!


20% off all “MODERNS” in APRIL.


Now is the best time ever to stock up on these versatile designs!


Take an additional 20% these already discounted sets:

(you’ll save over $15!)

NEW MODERN SET #56Includes Jitterbug 11″, Modern Squares, Illusions

Jitterbug 11Modern Squares snippet smallIllusion 1 square

MODERN TEXTURES SET #57:   Includes Snakeskin, Tornado, Coils                                             snakeskin revised snippettornado snippetcoils pasteup

MAORI MOKO SET #42:   Includes Maori Moko, Maori Moko Borders, Maori Moko Blocks    maori-moko-interlocking-snippetmaori moko border 4 webmaori border cornermaori moko bk 9


 Snakeskin   10 inch

Here’s a panto uniquely designed for modern quilts.  Undoubtedly, if you are quilting for customers you are receiving “Modern” quilts.  Most pictures show them custom quilted, but time and expense don’t always allow for that.  I’m excited about my “SNAKESKIN.”  It provides that texture geometric quilts want and can be used for other quilts too.  Don’t be put off by the name, it’s not creepy at all!

snakeskin revised snippet

Zig Zag  11 inch

Chevrons are popping up everywhere these days!  This is definitely a hot design right now, it adds a trendy, youthful vibe to a modern design quilt.  Teens will love it!  You will love how quickly this easy pattern will finish your project!

zig zag pasteup resized

Coils  11 inch

Wow!  Coils, curls and stripes for a modern look. This is a perfect panto for those special fractal quilts.  They’ll brighten and compliment the wide open negative spaces and accent positive designs, too.

coils pasteup

Modern Squares  11 inch

 Modern Squares is the perfect choice for quilting on those strong geometric shapes that many modern quilts have.   Don’t worry, it’s easy to stitch out and looks like custom work.  Remember, machines love going straight!

Flame Nouveau  11″

This panto is hot! It makes the most wonderful texture and it’s versatile enough for traditional pieced quilts and interesting for those with open areas too.

Flame Nouveau pasteup

Flowerburst  10 inch  & Flowerburst 15 inch

A cross between fireworks and flowers, this panto will add a punch to your quilt.   This is a must for quick quilting that offers great texture.


High Heels  11 inch

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! Trendy fashionistas can’t get enough of them!  Let these heels walk all over your quilt for a ton of modern, whimsical fun!


Clear Stream  11″

Here’s another innovative pattern with modern textural appeal. Try it. You’ll like it!   The pattern, as it drifts across the quilted surface, will give a dark and light effect.  Feel free to leave out the fish, and you have a very abstract modern design that will add organic movement and complement any theme.

Clear Stream cropped reduced snippet

Jitterbug 15 inch

Wow-  Spinning and swinging with the vibes. This will look great dancing across your modern quilt!

Jitterbug  11″  

Jitterbug 11

Modern Skylines   11 inch

Do you have a quilt with a cosmopolitan edge?  You’ll need this panto for a great metro look on your Ultra Current Quilt.

modern skylines 1 section snippet

Maori Moko 15  inch

Maori Moko may be a traditional New Zealand design, but it has a very edgy feel.  You’ll see it adding style everywhere in street art, tattoos, and fashion.  The swirls have classic beauty, but will still add a contemporary look to your quilt- the best of both worlds!


Maori Moko borders   8″

maori moko border 4 web

Maori Moko Blocks 10″

maori cover fixed

Kimono Stripe  11 inch  

Just the right mix of contemporary and classic here, for those of us who love both (and find it hard to choose!)

Kimono Stripe snippet

Modern Southwest   11 inch

Modern quilters seem to be enthralled with texture, so for this innovative pattern I’ve added a lot of it.  Scattered into the stripes and waves are familiar Southwest icons.

modern southwest previewSNIPPET

Wallaby Weave  11″

No worries about keeping your lines straight here!  Wobbles are encouraged! They give a natural, organic feel to this pattern that is so uniquely non-traditional!

Billabong Weave scan cropped reduced

Billabong Creek 11″

Billabong Creek scan cropped reduced


Bugs in your bed- not good.  Bugs on your quilt- love it!   Have you snapped this one up yet?  You’ll never know when you want to add that unexpected little bug in your stitching!


Mosaic   8 inch

Do you see a stained glass window?  Inlaid tile floor? I also see wheels, cogs and gears.  Whatever it is, the geometric elements in this pattern “works” for modern quilts!

mosaic pasteup snippet

Nature’s Rhythms  2.5 inch

Here’s a secret to great design: When planning the layout for stitching patterns and borders these geometric patterns help define space between the more organic designs.   Be sure to include them in your quilts!

nature's rhythms

Zebra Stripes 10″ inch

There’s nothing quite so iconic when it comes to animal skin as Zebra.  As it plays across your quilt it will add a wonderful texture and just the right hint of tribal rhythm.

Pharaoh’s Collar 11 inch

Gotta love these geometric patterns!  This pattern is reminiscent of a traditional fan frill, but updated.  It will look great on your modern creation!

pharoah's collar snippet

Bengali Mosaic  14 inch

From far away you just see loads of modern texture, but look more closely and you’ll discover the exotic vibe.  This one is definitely not conventional!

Bengali Mosaic Panel 1

Illusion 11 inch

This pattern catches your eye and doesn’t let it go!  It will add the same mesmerizing visual and textural interest to your quilt!

Spiral Suns   11 inch

These spinning spirals remind me of a HOT Day!  Although I planned this to compliment both traditionally pieced and modern quilts, it would also look great with a Southwest theme.  I hope you’ll agree it’s a fun pattern.


Tornado 11 inch

This pattern adds loads of twisting texture to your modern or traditional quilts.  Try it with a minkie backing for fun visual candy and irresistible hand-rubbing!  It’s almost, dare I say, voluptuous.

tornado snippet


 April Giveaway Contest

I had so many laughs imagining what our Grandmas would say that I wanted to share the fun with you.  Write a caption the following photo and post your idea in the comments section at the very bottom of this page. The winner (chosen by number of giggles produced, or by random if I can’t decide) will receive a free pattern of their choice!
The contest ends on April 30, 2015.  Good Luck!


Image from

Previous images from Library of Congress Public Domain Images

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Love is in the Air- 10% off selected patterns

wedding bells

Spring is such a beautiful time of year.  The sky is blue and sunny.  Flowers are blooming everywhere (even in our lawns).  God is spreading a beautifully colored quilt over the whole earth.  Why wouldn’t our hearts thrill with the excitement of love and happiness?  It’s in the air!

10% OFF – Enjoy some of our favorite floral pantos as well as a NEW enlarged version of an old favorite.

Fiddle Ferns – now in a 14″ size.Fiddle Ferns

Floral Wedding Setrose whole cloth layout ideas

Sets are normally 20% the off price of individual patterns, but ADD ANOTHER 10% OFF!

(This set includes 3 patterns.  Specify which 3 you want: Wedding Bell Swag 15” border, “Floral Medallion” whole cloth centerpiece, Rosebud Striped Border 6” w/ Little Red Rose 4”, Red, Red Rose 8” border, Floribunda Bouquet 11” or 15”, Wedding Day 11” pictogram, Little Ferns 4” border, Fiddle Ferns 11” panto.)  

Floribunda Bouquet 11″15″Floribunda Bouquet Rosy Feathers 11″ + 15″Rosy Feathers best snippet

Calla Lily 8″ + 11″Calla Lily BorderFiddle Ferns 11″+ 14″Fiddle Ferns

Wedding Doves 11″Wedding Doves snippetRosebud Striped Border 6″Rosebud Striped - Border

Wedding Day 11″PictogramWedding Day - Closeup Red, Red Rose 8″Red Rose Corner - Border

Wedding Bell Swag 15″Wedding Bell Swag - Border

Floral Medallion 14″floral-medallion-stacked Pysanki Flower 11″Pysanki flower for web

Chintz 10″chintz pasteup resized  Chintz Borderchintz + india borders SNIPPET

Daffodilly 9″ + 14″  daffodilly preview jpg snippet Little Ferns 4″Little Ferns - Border

Tulip Tango 2 rows 8.5″tulip tango for webTulip Border/E2E 6.5″Tulip Border -birdseye view

Cherry Blossoms 10cherry blossomsPoppy Stripe 10″poppy stripe



Not in a romantic mood?

For those of us still waiting for that perfect catch, it’s always good to remember there are other fish in the sea!

Let’s put a smile on your sad face with 10% off Fishy Business Pictogram 15″ or 11″.

fishy business 15 inch stacked


Sale prices good March 1-31 


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Nothing Says Love Like A Quilt!

Hello everyone! My name is Melissa Lyon and I am Judy Lyon’s Daughter-in-law.  I will be taking care of MeadowLyon Designs for the next two years while Judy is serving as a missionary in Thailand.

I have been blessed to have two marvelous quilters in my life, my mother, Christina Fife, and my mother-in-law, Judy Lyon.

Nativity Quilt No Border

I can truly say my family is rich with quilts! I treasure the handmade quilts that my family has received.  This past Christmas, Judy made our family an heirloom Christmas Quilt using her Joyful Birth Pictogram.  (She also made one for each of her other 8 children- she was busy this year!)  It is a wonderful expression of her love and her faith.


My mother also has given me quilts at important times in my life.  She made a beautiful quilt for me when I first left home, one when I was married, and a quilt at the arrival of each grandchild.

I know it can take hundreds of hours to make a quilt.  I also know that both Judy and my mother are busy working women, with limited time, many responsibilities, and also arthritic hands and aching feet.  I watched my mother one day as she was painfully hand stitching on a large quilt she was making for my brother and felt a twinge of guilt at her sacrifice.

So asked her why she did it.   Why would she spend such time and effort to make a quilt when it would definitely be easier, faster and cheaper to buy a lovely comforter at the store?  Then she explained, as she works on each quilt, she thinks of the person she is making it for.  She puts all her love, worries, hopes and prayers for that person into the hours she spends with the fabric.   Especially when the recipient is no longer close by, time working on their quilt can feel like time spent with them.   A quilt is more than a lovely blanket, but a gift of love.

Now when I snuggle into a quilt that was made by someone I love, my mind also turns to the hands and heart that made it.  I am happy to be a part of MeadowLyon Designs, a place where love can be translated into fabric and used to warm hearts!


Judy Lyon & Melissa Lyon

January 2015

hearts image credit: love love by tomatokisses

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Chinese New Year Celebration Sale Feb. 1 to 19

“Gong Hey Fat Choy”  

Happy Chinese New Year! 

February 19th 2015

Chinese Symbol for Happy Chinese New Year (恭禧發財)

brown tree chinese

The most common Chinese ways of saying Happy New Year are Gong Xi Fa Cai(Mandarin) and Gong Hey Fat Choy (Cantonese). Even though the pronunciations are a little different, both are written the same.

Ever since I was young I have been fascinated by the Far East.  I used to go with my Mother to visit “artsy” Lila L.  She had her hair bound up with chopsticks and black lacquered furniture inlaid with Mother of Pearl.  Chinatown was my favorite place to eat and I loved getting those prize balls at the gift shop and unwrapping yards of paper strips to find the tiny toys inside.

Little did I know I would “marry” into the army and live in the Orient. This amazing experience has increased my delight in all those memories and many new ones; like the Chinese Lion dance (always thought I’d draw this but haven’t yet!) , Sizzling Rice Soup and playing the Kayagum (like Koto).  Subsequently I’ve drawn a number of popular Chinese inspired patterns. I’ll include Japan and Indonesia too! So for the New Year I’m passing along the celebration to you!

Get a copy of the CHINESE MEDALLION SET – FREE with purchase of any Oriental pattern.

Chinese MedallionChinese Medallion - CornerChinese Medallion Set adjustable 12-15″ Sq. w 10″+ 12″ Tri


Chinese_AppliqueChinese Applique Pattern adjustable 12″-15″

Chinese Mums PatternChinese Mums  3.5″+4.5″ BdrChinese Scroll BorderChinese Scroll 4.5″+2.5″ Bdr

Chinese_Porcelain-snippetChinese Porcelain 12″ E2E – Border and Corner w 1.5″ Chinese Beading 

Ming Sea - Border CloseupMing Sea w/Mandarin Wind 6″+ 4″  Borders w 2 Corner variations

Panda-Monium - CloseupPanda-Monium 11″ Horizontal w 4″ Panda Play border

Panda Bamboo - Layout ExamplePanda Bamboo 11″ w 6″ Bamboo Border Vertical pattern

FREE download to Celebrate!  3 Samurai samurai 2 cropped resizedSamurai PDF title page


Geisha Garden snippetGeisha Garden 10″Kimono Stripe snippetKimono Stripe 11″

Japonica Blooms cropped Japonica Blooms 10″Flowerburst Flowerburst 10″ or 15″


chintz pasteup resizedChintz 11″   chintz + india borders Chintz/India Borders 6″& 8″


Inspired by famous Indonesian Batiks
Inspired by famous Indonesian Batiks

Java Batik Floral 10″ Edge 2 Edge

a delightful Indonesian Batik border
a delightful Indonesian Batik border

Java Batik Border 5″ w Jungle flower 4″

Indonesian Puppets - CloseupIndonesian Puppets Quilt closeup showing Jungle Foliage between rowsIndonesian Puppets 15″









Posted on 4 Comments

Brrr! January White Sale 15% OFF

 Brrr! Everything is snowy!   Let’s have a  JANUARY WHITE SALE    All white themed patterns 15% OFF through January.

jan 2014 sale and patterns text w snowman
January 2015 white sale

Isn’t it fun to build a snowman?  Here’s a cute SNOWMAN pillow designed for one of our birthday partys.  All the little girls made their own.  It was so fun.  This picture is the one my daughter finished.  Your kids can have fun with this too – even boys! It’s a FREE DOWNLOAD.

cuddly snowman pillow


Frothy Seas 2 of 4.5″Frothy Seas 11″, Frothy Seas 2 of 8″, Frothy Seas 15″, Frothy_Seas 8 “Meringue 11meringue pasteup trimmed

Snowscape 11″,snowscape croppedFlurry 10″Flurry

Birchbark 10″Birchbark snippet reducedMing Sea 6″Ming Sea - Border Closeup

Cloudy Skies 10It's a Cloudy Day. Air Show 10″air show cropped snippet

Calla Lily 8″or Calla Lily 11″ Calla Lily Border Ski Slopes 11″  ski slopes snippet

Winter Games 11″ winter games half-pipe reduced Winter Games BlocksWinter Games Block - WGB - Closeup

Clear Stream 11″ Clear-Stream-cropped-reduced Wedding Doves 11″Wedding Doves snippet

Salty Seas 8″ Salty Seas - Border Nor’easter 11″ Nor'easter snippet

Penguins on Parade 11Penguins on Parade - WholePenguins on Parade Blks Penguins on Parade Block - POPB - Closeup

Penguin Snowstorm Quilt  Penguin Snowstorm quilt cover mockStoneware Churn 10″Stoneware Churn one swirl cropped reduced

SnowBirds 11″ snowbirds snippet  Snowbird Borders 6″ snowbirds borders cropped short

Funny-Bones 10″,funny bones pasteupCottontails 10   Cottontails snippet

Whitewater 11″whitewater snippet Seafoam 4.5″, Seafoam 2 of 4.5″seafoam double row

Posted on 1 Comment

Decorate for the Holidays with MeadowLyon

Panto Sets under our tree

How do you decorate for the Holidays?  Do you have a Christmas Quilt in the master bedroom?  Is your family room festooned with strings of apples and garlands of holly?
Or perhaps you’ll be skiing for the Holidays at your mountain cabin decorated with homespun plaid and flannelette quilts?  If so you might want to snuggle-up with a cozy throw in front of the fireplace or display a quilt proudly over the railing on the balcony.
Enjoy these super savings as you plan your beautiful rooms.

GET $2.00 off  Singles and $5.00 off Sets

(Wow! sets already priced at 20% off) 

Through Dec. 15th!

Thanksgiving Ideas

Thanksgiving Table Topper Pictogram 20% off.thanksgiving layout

FREE PDF quilt pattern thanksgiving topper qult blurry at topFREE PDF ICE CANDLE Fall leaves ice candleChristmas Greenery Ice Candle



Nativity Set #30 Nativity Quilt by Judy Lyon and Mildred Jordtjoyful birth new Joyful Birth new panel 2

includes: Joyful Birth 11″, Camel Train & Palm Trees camel train cropped snippet Palm Trees - Border

FREE Joyful Birth PDF BlocksA Christmas Gift to you!joyful birth new color cover



Snowbird Set #36  snowbirds snippet snowbirds borders cropped short Ponderosa Pinecone - single ponderosa pine spray snippet 15

includes: Snowbirds, Snowbird Bdr, Pinecone Bdr 4.5″ & Pine Spray 9″                                                                                     

Backwoods Moose Quilt Set #5Moose - Quiltbackwoods stacked scannedPonderosa Pinecone - single

includes: Backwoods Moose Quilt, Backwoods Pictogram & Ponderosa Pinecone 4.5″   

Backwoods Pine Set #6backwoods stacked scannedPonderosa Pinecone - singleFish Tales Border

includes:Pine quilt, Backwoods 11″, Fish Tales, Pinecone Bdr.

Rustic Christmas Set #48 RUSTIC SANTA ON PLAID Rustic Grapevine Swag Potpourri cropped snippet

includes: Rustic Santas, Rustic Grapevine Swag & Potpourri                                                                                                  


Holiday Fun Set #21 silly snowmen carolers holly express Toyland - TLB - Cover

includes: Silly Snowmen, Holly Express Train 9″ (or specify 4.5″), Santa’s Flight & Toyland Blocks                                          

Christmas Set  #14 Santa's Flight sleigh and 1 reindeer reduced Symbols of the Season - SofSB - Quilt Closeup Ponderosa Pinecone - single

 includes: Santa’s Flight, PineSpray 9″ (or 4.5″), &  Symbols of the Season Blocks                                                                           

Jingle Bell Set #23 Jingle Bell Dance Jingle Bell Swag - Border    Ponderosa Pinecone - single

includes: Jingle Bell Swag, Ponderosa Pinecone Border 4.5″ & Jingle Bell Dance 8″ Or specify 11″

Deck the Halls Set #61Poinsettia cropped one flower the Holly and ivy SNIPPET Holly Berriessnippet 12-days-panel-1-reduced

includes: Poinsettia, Holly Berries or The Holly and The Ivy,  & 12 Days of Christmas                                                  

FREE 1 Piper & 1 Drummer for 12 Days Border layout. 12 Days of Christmas single piper 12 days drummer complete cropped

Sugarplum Tree Set #64    trendy trees pasteup 1 tree  sugarplums 1 repeat for mail

Includes: Trendy Trees & Sugarplums 



Santa Around the World Blocks; Bk 1 Book 1 composite no title

The European Tradition 12″

Santa Around the World Blocks: Bk 2Book 2 composite no title darkened

The Distant Lands 12
Santa Around the World Set of 2 Books 12″SANTA BOOKS

“Or Buy Separately” –

Joyful Birth  11″ or 15″Pictogram
Camel Train 8″ Bdr
Palm Trees  10″ Bdr
Ponderosa Pine Spray 9″ E2E/Bdr or 15″
Snowbirds 11″                
Snowbird Bdr 6″
Ponderosa Pinecone Bdr 4.5″ 
 Rustic Santa Borders: Yosemite w/Bears 8″ & Northwoods w/Moose 11″
Rustic Grapevine Swag Bdr 8″  
Potpourri 10″  or PDF 
Silly Snowmen 11″
Holly Express Train 9″ or 4.5 or PDF 6″
Toyland Blocks
Santa’s Flight 11″
Symbols of the Season Blks
Ponderosa Pinecone Border 4.5”
Jingle Bell Dance 11″ 
Jingle Bell Dance 8″ 
Jingle Bell Swag  5.5″ 
Int.Poinsettia  2 rows of 6″ or PDF
Holly and Ivy  9″ or PDF                     
Holly Berries  or PDF
12 Days of Christmas 11″ Pictogram   or PDF
Sugarplums 11″  or PDF
Trendy Trees 11″ or PDF

Joyful Birth Blocks  joyful birth new color cover 

Nutcracker 11″  or PDFNutcracker woods pasteup

Teddy Bear Parade 8″ or PDF Teddy Bear Parade snippet
Holly Medallion Quiltholly medallion quilt

Holly Horse 8″  BdrHolly Horse Border

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SSss..Spooky Autumn Sale

2014 ghost


New! Ghostly Feathers – ooOOOooo little ghosties

are coming out to play!

ghostly feathers snippet





Halloween Night – Friendly night skies with little witches and ghosts

halloween night preview




 Tornado – Dark stormy skies – perfect for Halloween.

tornado snippet





Jack O-Lanterns with Cat’s Eyes border –Light the candles and get ready for fun!

Jack O’Lanterns PDF






Funny Bones – Jumbled Skeletons

funny bones pasteupFunny bones PDF

Tree Bones 11”  – Brrr! bare branches of skeleton trees

Tree Bones Big 14Tree-Bones-1-repeat-of-scan

Pumpkin Patch 8Pumpkin Patch 8 with Little Pumpkins and Mice sashings

Pumpkin Patch 11” – Tumble into the Pumpkin Patch with corn, cats and mice.

Autumn Wind – Ooooo…the leaves are swirling in the wind.autumn wind pasteup

Autumn Wind PDF                                 Maple Breezes 11” – Maple leaves are laughing in the breeze.       Maple Breezes 15″

Maple BreezesMaple SquirrelsMaple Squirrels Border & Maple Leaf Border– Gather the nuts before Winter!    Maple Squirrels PDF

Oak Whisper 11″ – Shhh. Hear the wind whispering in the colored leaves.

Oak Whisper 15″

Oak Whispers - InterlockingOak Border & Acorns – Hear the acorns crunch on your Autumn stroll.

OAK border center view snippet

Pumpkin Kaleidoscope Wall Hanging—Comes with stitching and applique pattern.

Pumpkin Toplique - Quilt

Thanksgiving Table Topper Pictogram – a perfect hostess gift!

thanksgiving panel 4 pilgrims snippet

   Thanksgiving Table Topper Quilt pattern FREE

thanksgiving topper qult blurry at top





SEE ALSO  Ice Candle with Fall leaves instructions

Fall Leaves Ice Candle
Fall Leaves Ice Candle

OR get a bunch with the Autumn Set

MAPLE BREEZE by Judy Lyon quilted by Mildred Jordt


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Bug Bites FREE !


This FREE offer is in 2 parts!
Be sure to download both
“Bug Bites PDF” and
“Swamp Critters Block Set PDF.”Swamp Critters - SCB - Cover

In the Summer there are bugs everywhere—even the computer has bugs!  Heehee.  For fun, pick your favorite and sew it right into your next quilt—just one or two in an out-of-the-way place. I’m including all the bug drawings I’ve sold over the years in this FREE OFFER. Just size them to fit. Draw your own too—maybe you have a “favorite.”
Modern custom quilting lends itself to spur-of-the-moment bugs. I’ve shown a sketch of ideas for that. Pantographs also have room for bugs. I’ve included a few ideas of how I might stitch them in a panto.
So get dancing! It’s young and whimsical!


chintz + india borders SNIPPET

These 2 unique border patterns with South Asian Elegance will add a decorative finish to your quilts.

cherry blossoms

“CHERRY BLOSSOMS” #2453- 10 inch $14.00
There’s nothing quite so pretty as pale blossoms against the dark bark of the Cherry tree. No wonder there are Cherry Blossom festivals around the world!

Posted on 8 Comments

Santa Blowout Sale 25% OFF – 3 Weeks Only

Let’s get a head start on our Christmas projects.  At 25% OFF, it’s a great time to stock up on Christmas patterns.

Choose from:

Jingle Bell Dance 11″   E2E reg. $14.00 now $10.50

Jingle Bell Dance 8″  E2E reg. $14.00 now $10.50

Sugarplums 10″ E2E $14.00 now $10.50 
Sugarplums PDF now$6.75
Trendy Trees 11″ Interlocking $16.00 now $12.00
Jingle Bell Swag  5.5”  Border  now $9.00
Santa’s Flight 11″  Pictogram  reg $18.00  now $13.50
Toyland Blocks    now $9.00
Holly Horse  8″   Border now $10.50
Holly Express 9″    Border/E2E  now $10.50
Holly Express 4.5″   Border reg $12.00  now $9.00
Holly Berries 11″  (2 rows of 6) reg $16.00 now $12.00
Snowscape 11″ E2E  now $10.50
Snowscape PDF E2E  now $7.50
Silly Snowmen 11″ Pictogram reg $18.00  now $13.50
Snowbirds 11″   E2E  now $10.50
Snowbird borders 6″   now $10.50 
Holly Medallion Quilt   now $9.00
Poinsettia  2 rows of 6″   Interlocking reg $16.00  now $12.00
Poinsettia Fantasia PDF Interlocking  now $7.50
Holly and Ivy E2E  9″    now $10.50
The Holly & The Ivy PDF E2E  now $7.50
Nutcracker Woods reg. $14.00 now $10.50
Joyful Birth  11″  Pictogram  reg $18.00  now $13.50
Joyful Birth 15″ Pictogram reg $25.00  now $18.75
Camel Train 8”   Border now $10.50
Palm Trees  10″  Border  now $10.50
Joyful Birth Blocks  reg $12.00  now $9.00
Joyful Birth PDF Blocks now FREE Our Christmas Present to you
Santa’s Flight 11″ Pictogram  now $13.50
Rustic Santa Borders: Yosemite Santa w/Bears 8″ & Northwoods Santa w/Moose 11″  now $13.50
Potpourri 10″ E2E  now $10.50
Potpourri PDF E2E  now $7.50
santa books quarter pg ad
12 Days of Christmas 11″ Pictogram now $15.00 see info for new panels 4+5
Santa Around The World Blocks: Bk 2 The Distant Lands 12″  reg $25.00 now $18.75