The beautiful colors of Maple and Oak are all around us.

The leaves have all fallen from our beautiful Maple tree, so we’ll have a Maple sale! Sure maple! Oh, yes, we have an Oak Tree too and it still has a lot of it’s brick red leaves.
25% OFF – Maple Breezes 11″ & 15″, Maple Squirrels/Maple Leaf Borders, Autumn Wind, Oak Whisper 11″ & 15″, and Oak Border w/ Acorns are all on sale- NOW! Click to see all sale items!
Remember they’re all available digitally, too.
Christmas is coming the Goose is getting fat! But, don’t worry we’ll eat him for Thanksgiving!! Sadly, I’ll probably get fat(ter) too! There are just so many great recipes. Check below for a new “Maple-Bacon Toffee” recipe I just invented today! Okay, I know this is supposed to be about quilting! But I have other interests too. Food is a BIG one!
Here’s a fun Holiday quilt. I love the big stitch.

ALSO on SALE Thanksgiving Table Topper Pictogram pattern.
I do want to encourage you to make the Thanksgiving Table Topper. It’s so beautiful on the table. When I went to Oklahoma last week I noticed my daughter-in-law had it hanging in the entry to her house. It was a great way to use it before the holiday.

This reversible Table Topper is so beautiful on the table. Your guests on every side will have a different view of the Thanksgiving story; The Ship greeted by Native Americans, The feast table, Indians bringing food to the feast, and a Pilgrim family bringing their contributions to the feast. It’s so much fun they might just want to play musical chairs!
Get the FREE Tutorial and pattern!
There’s a FREE TUTORIAL for this reversible quilt. Click here. Thanksgiving Table Topper panel 4 Thanksgiving Table Topper panel 3 Thanksgiving Table Topper panel 2 Thanksgiving Table Topper panel 1 Here’s another fun idea. Insert silk leaves under a sparkling, sheer organza.
I was talking with some of my adult kids last night and they were laughing about the White Pilgrim Collars I made them wear for Thanksgiving Dinner. We also had/have Thanksgiving puppets. So fun!!
Yesterday a grown son asked for this little song we sang.
Do you have any traditions for Thanksgiving? Submit them in “comments.”
NOW for the MAPLE Recipes! Click the expand button to view each entire, delicious recipe! Also: From last year’s blog, see my original Pumpkin Biscotti recipe here. Believe me, it’s far better than others I’ve tried!!
I absolutely L-O-V-E Biscotti. I have dozens of recipes. Maybe it’s the kid in me that loves “dunking.”
Of course there is no guarantee that the Pilgrims had Bacon.Sriracha is the key ingredient. I don’t have an edible recipe made from Oak, but I love natural dyes. Maple doesn’t have to be for desserts – but it will be Sweeet! My Mom’s recipe!
Don’t forget to make your Ice Candles while there are still leaves available!