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Chinese New Year Celebration Sale Feb. 1 to 19

“Gong Hey Fat Choy”  

Happy Chinese New Year! 

February 19th 2015

Chinese Symbol for Happy Chinese New Year (恭禧發財)

brown tree chinese

The most common Chinese ways of saying Happy New Year are Gong Xi Fa Cai(Mandarin) and Gong Hey Fat Choy (Cantonese). Even though the pronunciations are a little different, both are written the same.

Ever since I was young I have been fascinated by the Far East.  I used to go with my Mother to visit “artsy” Lila L.  She had her hair bound up with chopsticks and black lacquered furniture inlaid with Mother of Pearl.  Chinatown was my favorite place to eat and I loved getting those prize balls at the gift shop and unwrapping yards of paper strips to find the tiny toys inside.

Little did I know I would “marry” into the army and live in the Orient. This amazing experience has increased my delight in all those memories and many new ones; like the Chinese Lion dance (always thought I’d draw this but haven’t yet!) , Sizzling Rice Soup and playing the Kayagum (like Koto).  Subsequently I’ve drawn a number of popular Chinese inspired patterns. I’ll include Japan and Indonesia too! So for the New Year I’m passing along the celebration to you!

Get a copy of the CHINESE MEDALLION SET – FREE with purchase of any Oriental pattern.

Chinese MedallionChinese Medallion - CornerChinese Medallion Set adjustable 12-15″ Sq. w 10″+ 12″ Tri


Chinese_AppliqueChinese Applique Pattern adjustable 12″-15″

Chinese Mums PatternChinese Mums  3.5″+4.5″ BdrChinese Scroll BorderChinese Scroll 4.5″+2.5″ Bdr

Chinese_Porcelain-snippetChinese Porcelain 12″ E2E – Border and Corner w 1.5″ Chinese Beading 

Ming Sea - Border CloseupMing Sea w/Mandarin Wind 6″+ 4″  Borders w 2 Corner variations

Panda-Monium - CloseupPanda-Monium 11″ Horizontal w 4″ Panda Play border

Panda Bamboo - Layout ExamplePanda Bamboo 11″ w 6″ Bamboo Border Vertical pattern

FREE download to Celebrate!  3 Samurai samurai 2 cropped resizedSamurai PDF title page


Geisha Garden snippetGeisha Garden 10″Kimono Stripe snippetKimono Stripe 11″

Japonica Blooms cropped Japonica Blooms 10″Flowerburst Flowerburst 10″ or 15″


chintz pasteup resizedChintz 11″   chintz + india borders Chintz/India Borders 6″& 8″


Inspired by famous Indonesian Batiks
Inspired by famous Indonesian Batiks

Java Batik Floral 10″ Edge 2 Edge

a delightful Indonesian Batik border
a delightful Indonesian Batik border

Java Batik Border 5″ w Jungle flower 4″

Indonesian Puppets - CloseupIndonesian Puppets Quilt closeup showing Jungle Foliage between rowsIndonesian Puppets 15″