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ICE-DYEING What’s the difference?

DOWNLOAD: Snow or ICE dye instructions.pdf

“Baby Its Cold Outside”-Snow/Ice Dyeing and a Potpourri of other Dyestuffs.
If you haven’t tried snow or ice-dyeing you’ve missed loads of fun. Trudging out into the snow filled yard with boots and rubber gloves is the perfect way to spend a snowy afternoon. You’ll be amazed at the beautiful colors that emerge as the procion color-infused snow melts through the fabric!

Here’s a copy of my PDF. It has some additional “ICE DYEING” instructions to supplement my earlier Snow-dye blog. A couple of years ago I gave this Ice-dying class to a guild in Alabama. You can download the whole thing above.

The following are images from the PDF:

These shirts were “tie-dyed” in the “underneath” tray!

Have fun with the snow this winter!