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Brrr! January White Sale 15% OFF

 Brrr! Everything is snowy!   Let’s have a  JANUARY WHITE SALE    All white themed patterns 15% OFF through January.

jan 2014 sale and patterns text w snowman
January 2015 white sale

Isn’t it fun to build a snowman?  Here’s a cute SNOWMAN pillow designed for one of our birthday partys.  All the little girls made their own.  It was so fun.  This picture is the one my daughter finished.  Your kids can have fun with this too – even boys! It’s a FREE DOWNLOAD.

cuddly snowman pillow


Frothy Seas 2 of 4.5″Frothy Seas 11″, Frothy Seas 2 of 8″, Frothy Seas 15″, Frothy_Seas 8 “Meringue 11meringue pasteup trimmed

Snowscape 11″,snowscape croppedFlurry 10″Flurry

Birchbark 10″Birchbark snippet reducedMing Sea 6″Ming Sea - Border Closeup

Cloudy Skies 10It's a Cloudy Day. Air Show 10″air show cropped snippet

Calla Lily 8″or Calla Lily 11″ Calla Lily Border Ski Slopes 11″  ski slopes snippet

Winter Games 11″ winter games half-pipe reduced Winter Games BlocksWinter Games Block - WGB - Closeup

Clear Stream 11″ Clear-Stream-cropped-reduced Wedding Doves 11″Wedding Doves snippet

Salty Seas 8″ Salty Seas - Border Nor’easter 11″ Nor'easter snippet

Penguins on Parade 11Penguins on Parade - WholePenguins on Parade Blks Penguins on Parade Block - POPB - Closeup

Penguin Snowstorm Quilt  Penguin Snowstorm quilt cover mockStoneware Churn 10″Stoneware Churn one swirl cropped reduced

SnowBirds 11″ snowbirds snippet  Snowbird Borders 6″ snowbirds borders cropped short

Funny-Bones 10″,funny bones pasteupCottontails 10   Cottontails snippet

Whitewater 11″whitewater snippet Seafoam 4.5″, Seafoam 2 of 4.5″seafoam double row

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Decorate for the Holidays with MeadowLyon

Panto Sets under our tree

How do you decorate for the Holidays?  Do you have a Christmas Quilt in the master bedroom?  Is your family room festooned with strings of apples and garlands of holly?
Or perhaps you’ll be skiing for the Holidays at your mountain cabin decorated with homespun plaid and flannelette quilts?  If so you might want to snuggle-up with a cozy throw in front of the fireplace or display a quilt proudly over the railing on the balcony.
Enjoy these super savings as you plan your beautiful rooms.

GET $2.00 off  Singles and $5.00 off Sets

(Wow! sets already priced at 20% off) 

Through Dec. 15th!

Thanksgiving Ideas

Thanksgiving Table Topper Pictogram 20% off.thanksgiving layout

FREE PDF quilt pattern thanksgiving topper qult blurry at topFREE PDF ICE CANDLE Fall leaves ice candleChristmas Greenery Ice Candle



Nativity Set #30 Nativity Quilt by Judy Lyon and Mildred Jordtjoyful birth new Joyful Birth new panel 2

includes: Joyful Birth 11″, Camel Train & Palm Trees camel train cropped snippet Palm Trees - Border

FREE Joyful Birth PDF BlocksA Christmas Gift to you!joyful birth new color cover



Snowbird Set #36  snowbirds snippet snowbirds borders cropped short Ponderosa Pinecone - single ponderosa pine spray snippet 15

includes: Snowbirds, Snowbird Bdr, Pinecone Bdr 4.5″ & Pine Spray 9″                                                                                     

Backwoods Moose Quilt Set #5Moose - Quiltbackwoods stacked scannedPonderosa Pinecone - single

includes: Backwoods Moose Quilt, Backwoods Pictogram & Ponderosa Pinecone 4.5″   

Backwoods Pine Set #6backwoods stacked scannedPonderosa Pinecone - singleFish Tales Border

includes:Pine quilt, Backwoods 11″, Fish Tales, Pinecone Bdr.

Rustic Christmas Set #48 RUSTIC SANTA ON PLAID Rustic Grapevine Swag Potpourri cropped snippet

includes: Rustic Santas, Rustic Grapevine Swag & Potpourri                                                                                                  


Holiday Fun Set #21 silly snowmen carolers holly express Toyland - TLB - Cover

includes: Silly Snowmen, Holly Express Train 9″ (or specify 4.5″), Santa’s Flight & Toyland Blocks                                          

Christmas Set  #14 Santa's Flight sleigh and 1 reindeer reduced Symbols of the Season - SofSB - Quilt Closeup Ponderosa Pinecone - single

 includes: Santa’s Flight, PineSpray 9″ (or 4.5″), &  Symbols of the Season Blocks                                                                           

Jingle Bell Set #23 Jingle Bell Dance Jingle Bell Swag - Border    Ponderosa Pinecone - single

includes: Jingle Bell Swag, Ponderosa Pinecone Border 4.5″ & Jingle Bell Dance 8″ Or specify 11″

Deck the Halls Set #61Poinsettia cropped one flower the Holly and ivy SNIPPET Holly Berriessnippet 12-days-panel-1-reduced

includes: Poinsettia, Holly Berries or The Holly and The Ivy,  & 12 Days of Christmas                                                  

FREE 1 Piper & 1 Drummer for 12 Days Border layout. 12 Days of Christmas single piper 12 days drummer complete cropped

Sugarplum Tree Set #64    trendy trees pasteup 1 tree  sugarplums 1 repeat for mail

Includes: Trendy Trees & Sugarplums 



Santa Around the World Blocks; Bk 1 Book 1 composite no title

The European Tradition 12″

Santa Around the World Blocks: Bk 2Book 2 composite no title darkened

The Distant Lands 12
Santa Around the World Set of 2 Books 12″SANTA BOOKS

“Or Buy Separately” –

Joyful Birth  11″ or 15″Pictogram
Camel Train 8″ Bdr
Palm Trees  10″ Bdr
Ponderosa Pine Spray 9″ E2E/Bdr or 15″
Snowbirds 11″                
Snowbird Bdr 6″
Ponderosa Pinecone Bdr 4.5″ 
 Rustic Santa Borders: Yosemite w/Bears 8″ & Northwoods w/Moose 11″
Rustic Grapevine Swag Bdr 8″  
Potpourri 10″  or PDF 
Silly Snowmen 11″
Holly Express Train 9″ or 4.5 or PDF 6″
Toyland Blocks
Santa’s Flight 11″
Symbols of the Season Blks
Ponderosa Pinecone Border 4.5”
Jingle Bell Dance 11″ 
Jingle Bell Dance 8″ 
Jingle Bell Swag  5.5″ 
Int.Poinsettia  2 rows of 6″ or PDF
Holly and Ivy  9″ or PDF                     
Holly Berries  or PDF
12 Days of Christmas 11″ Pictogram   or PDF
Sugarplums 11″  or PDF
Trendy Trees 11″ or PDF

Joyful Birth Blocks  joyful birth new color cover 

Nutcracker 11″  or PDFNutcracker woods pasteup

Teddy Bear Parade 8″ or PDF Teddy Bear Parade snippet
Holly Medallion Quiltholly medallion quilt

Holly Horse 8″  BdrHolly Horse Border

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SSss..Spooky Autumn Sale

2014 ghost


New! Ghostly Feathers – ooOOOooo little ghosties

are coming out to play!

ghostly feathers snippet





Halloween Night – Friendly night skies with little witches and ghosts

halloween night preview




 Tornado – Dark stormy skies – perfect for Halloween.

tornado snippet





Jack O-Lanterns with Cat’s Eyes border –Light the candles and get ready for fun!

Jack O’Lanterns PDF






Funny Bones – Jumbled Skeletons

funny bones pasteupFunny bones PDF

Tree Bones 11”  – Brrr! bare branches of skeleton trees

Tree Bones Big 14Tree-Bones-1-repeat-of-scan

Pumpkin Patch 8Pumpkin Patch 8 with Little Pumpkins and Mice sashings

Pumpkin Patch 11” – Tumble into the Pumpkin Patch with corn, cats and mice.

Autumn Wind – Ooooo…the leaves are swirling in the wind.autumn wind pasteup

Autumn Wind PDF                                 Maple Breezes 11” – Maple leaves are laughing in the breeze.       Maple Breezes 15″

Maple BreezesMaple SquirrelsMaple Squirrels Border & Maple Leaf Border– Gather the nuts before Winter!    Maple Squirrels PDF

Oak Whisper 11″ – Shhh. Hear the wind whispering in the colored leaves.

Oak Whisper 15″

Oak Whispers - InterlockingOak Border & Acorns – Hear the acorns crunch on your Autumn stroll.

OAK border center view snippet

Pumpkin Kaleidoscope Wall Hanging—Comes with stitching and applique pattern.

Pumpkin Toplique - Quilt

Thanksgiving Table Topper Pictogram – a perfect hostess gift!

thanksgiving panel 4 pilgrims snippet

   Thanksgiving Table Topper Quilt pattern FREE

thanksgiving topper qult blurry at top





SEE ALSO  Ice Candle with Fall leaves instructions

Fall Leaves Ice Candle
Fall Leaves Ice Candle

OR get a bunch with the Autumn Set

MAPLE BREEZE by Judy Lyon quilted by Mildred Jordt


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Bug Bites FREE !


This FREE offer is in 2 parts!
Be sure to download both
“Bug Bites PDF” and
“Swamp Critters Block Set PDF.”Swamp Critters - SCB - Cover

In the Summer there are bugs everywhere—even the computer has bugs!  Heehee.  For fun, pick your favorite and sew it right into your next quilt—just one or two in an out-of-the-way place. I’m including all the bug drawings I’ve sold over the years in this FREE OFFER. Just size them to fit. Draw your own too—maybe you have a “favorite.”
Modern custom quilting lends itself to spur-of-the-moment bugs. I’ve shown a sketch of ideas for that. Pantographs also have room for bugs. I’ve included a few ideas of how I might stitch them in a panto.
So get dancing! It’s young and whimsical!


chintz + india borders SNIPPET

These 2 unique border patterns with South Asian Elegance will add a decorative finish to your quilts.

cherry blossoms

“CHERRY BLOSSOMS” #2453- 10 inch $14.00
There’s nothing quite so pretty as pale blossoms against the dark bark of the Cherry tree. No wonder there are Cherry Blossom festivals around the world!

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Santa Blowout Sale 25% OFF – 3 Weeks Only

Let’s get a head start on our Christmas projects.  At 25% OFF, it’s a great time to stock up on Christmas patterns.

Choose from:

Jingle Bell Dance 11″   E2E reg. $14.00 now $10.50

Jingle Bell Dance 8″  E2E reg. $14.00 now $10.50

Sugarplums 10″ E2E $14.00 now $10.50 
Sugarplums PDF now$6.75
Trendy Trees 11″ Interlocking $16.00 now $12.00
Jingle Bell Swag  5.5”  Border  now $9.00
Santa’s Flight 11″  Pictogram  reg $18.00  now $13.50
Toyland Blocks    now $9.00
Holly Horse  8″   Border now $10.50
Holly Express 9″    Border/E2E  now $10.50
Holly Express 4.5″   Border reg $12.00  now $9.00
Holly Berries 11″  (2 rows of 6) reg $16.00 now $12.00
Snowscape 11″ E2E  now $10.50
Snowscape PDF E2E  now $7.50
Silly Snowmen 11″ Pictogram reg $18.00  now $13.50
Snowbirds 11″   E2E  now $10.50
Snowbird borders 6″   now $10.50 
Holly Medallion Quilt   now $9.00
Poinsettia  2 rows of 6″   Interlocking reg $16.00  now $12.00
Poinsettia Fantasia PDF Interlocking  now $7.50
Holly and Ivy E2E  9″    now $10.50
The Holly & The Ivy PDF E2E  now $7.50
Nutcracker Woods reg. $14.00 now $10.50
Joyful Birth  11″  Pictogram  reg $18.00  now $13.50
Joyful Birth 15″ Pictogram reg $25.00  now $18.75
Camel Train 8”   Border now $10.50
Palm Trees  10″  Border  now $10.50
Joyful Birth Blocks  reg $12.00  now $9.00
Joyful Birth PDF Blocks now FREE Our Christmas Present to you
Santa’s Flight 11″ Pictogram  now $13.50
Rustic Santa Borders: Yosemite Santa w/Bears 8″ & Northwoods Santa w/Moose 11″  now $13.50
Potpourri 10″ E2E  now $10.50
Potpourri PDF E2E  now $7.50
santa books quarter pg ad
12 Days of Christmas 11″ Pictogram now $15.00 see info for new panels 4+5
Santa Around The World Blocks: Bk 2 The Distant Lands 12″  reg $25.00 now $18.75                   


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Lining Up MeadowLyon Patterns on Intelliquilter

I do not have IQ so I can’t tell you in Intelliquilter terms, but Linda Lawson has a video about lining up my Pictogram Patterns and you will find some excellent tips in that video. You can see it on Longarm Chat.

Click on the title to read some  “nitty gritty” information that may help as you plan the layout on your screen.

Background information for Pictograms:
1.  Each panel was originally drawn at 11″ x 36.”  Depending on what size you are going to make it, you’ll need to adjust the following information accordingly.

2.  All our patterns have a 3″ registration system. That means, if you had the hard copy, you could slide each ensuing paper panel to the right or left in increments of 3″ ( eg. 6″, 9″, 12″ etc.) and they will still “fit” together.

3.  With this registration system the stitching line reaches up to the top line every 3 inches. (If it isn’t visible, imagine a line across the top).

4.  The stitching line reaches down to the bottom line every other 3 inches. (Imagine a line across the bottom.)

5.  MeadowLyon Pictograms are not designed to interlock, they just come up or down to the line.  It gives the effect of interlocking, but does not cross the line!

6.  Yes, you can put each panel right on top of itself and it will work.  But, you probably won’t want the panel to be placed exactly above itself or the animals and other motifs will be on top of themselves.

7.  I recommend choosing the second or third panel to begin the second row.  Make sure the “up” points fall between the “down” points. (You’ll probably put the second row on the    screen and simply move it to where it looks good and nothing touches where it shouldn’t.)

As you look at previews of our Pictograms on this website, you will see the ups and downs clearly. For example,  in the “Backwoods” pattern you’ll notice some mountain peaks, etc. that go up to the top line and see the spaces above them.  Then you’ll see feet of animals or etc. coming down to the bottom line and notice space beneath them on the next panel.  With each row simply slide the panels to where the peaks come up under a space or etc. But do not try to interlock, or cross the line.  It’s not necessary and may cause overlapping.

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A.  2 ROWS INTERLOCKING WITH STRAIGHT ROLL as printed on paper rolls

Alignment instructions:  IT’S AS EASY AS “1 – 2 – 3”

1. After completing the first two rows across, lower your needle into any “dot” #1.

Leaving the needle down, Advance (roll) the quilt into position for the next two rows across.

2. With the needle still down, adjust the laser light or stylus to the closest “dot” #2.

The light is now correctly placed.

3. Lift the needle and move the machine to a starting position of your choice at the edge of the quilt.

Begin quilting.

B.  2 ROWS WITH SOME LASER MOVEMENT as p[rinted or paper rolls such as El Dorado 4.5″, and El Dorado 8″

Alignment instructions:  IT’S AS EASY AS “1 – 2 – 3”

1. After completing the first two rows across, lower your needle into any “dot” #1.

Leaving the needle down, Advance (roll) the quilt into position for the next two rows across.

2. With the needle still down, adjust the laser light or stylus to the closest “dot” #2 towards the “left.”

The light is now correctly placed.  (For alternate rows move the laser to the #2 towards the right.

3. Lift the needle and move the machine to a starting position of your choice at the edge of the quilt.

Begin quilting.

Some laser lights have limited adjustment capabilities.  Some patterns may require shifting the paper pattern for proper alignment.

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A.  ONE ROW INTERLOCKING WITH STRAIGHT ROLL as printed on paper rolls for patterns  Grapes of Moldova, Russian Gold, etc.

Alignment instructions:  IT’S AS EASY AS “1 – 2 – 3”

1. After completing the first row across, lower your needle into any “dot” #1.

Leaving the needle down, Advance (roll) the quilt into position for the next row across.

2. With the needle still down, adjust the laser light or stylus to the closest “dot” #2.

The light is now correctly placed.

3. Lift the needle and move the machine to a starting position of your choice at the edge of the quilt.

Begin quilting.

B.   ONE ROW INTERLOCKING WITH SOME LASER MOVEMENT as printed on patterns such as Frothy Seas, El Dorado, etc.

Alignment instructions:  IT’S AS EASY AS “1 – 2 – 3”

1. After completing the first row across, lower your needle into any “dot” #1.

Leaving the needle down, Advance (roll) the quilt into position for the next row across.

2. With the needle still down, adjust the laser light or stylus to the closest “dot” #2 towards the “left.”

The light is now correctly placed.  (For alternate rows move the laser to the  #3 towards the right.

3. Lift needle and move machine to a starting position of your choice at the edge of the  quilt.

Begin quilting.

Some laser lights have limited adjustment capabilities.  Some patterns may require shifting the paper pattern for proper alignment.

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PICTOGRAM ALIGNMENT as printed on paper rolls

Aligning MeadowLyon Pictograms:

Congratulations!  You’ve purchased a “Pictogram” – MeadowLyon’s unique 12 ft. non-repeating roll.  You’ll have lots of pictorial material from which to choose.  Its four panels can be arranged to create a scene, of sorts, on a wall hanging or small quilt.  Also, extended rows can be repeated above or below to cover a quilt with Edge-to-Edge quilting.

We recommend starting alternate rows at the beginning of a different panel each time.  This will prevent the motifs from standing on top of themselves.  Of course you can start alternate rows wherever you like. Our registration system prevents upper and lower rows from touching when you slide the pattern in increments of 3 inches;  eg. 3”, 6”, 12” etc.

For accurate placement, align the bottom line* (or dots or corner points) to the previous top line.  You might do this by lowering the needle at the exact top right hand corner of the panel recently completed, then inserting a pin at that point.  Roll the quilt and after shifting the pattern and replacing the clamps, move your needle once again to that point and adjust the laser to the lower right corner of the new panel.

Caution: if you leave a space there will be a space – it’s best to match the lines with your laser, then slide the machine across the quilt to see if any stitching falls above the line and adjust slightly if needed.

* Note: If your pattern does not have a bottom and top line, you can draw it in by laying a yardstick along the lowest points (or highest) on the paper pattern and drawing a line to intersect with the dashed line at the end of the pattern.

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1.  EDGE TO EDGE PANTOGRAPH ALIGNMENT as printed on paper rolls

Aligning MeadowLyon Patterns:

This MeadowLyon continuous-line pattern can be repeated above or below itself to cover a quilt with Edge-to-Edge quilting.  We recommend starting alternate rows in a different spot and on many patterns have indicated the place we recommend on the bottom edge of the pattern.  This will prevent the animals (or motifs) from standing on top of themselves.  Of course you can start alternate rows wherever you like. Our registration system prevents upper and lower rows from touching when you slide the pattern in increments of 3 inches;  eg. 3”, 6”, 12” etc.

For accurate placement, align the bottom line* (or dots or corner points) to the previous top line.  You might do this by lowering the needle at the exact top right hand corner of the panel recently completed, then inserting a pin at that point.  Roll the quilt and after shifting the pattern and replacing the clamps, move your needle once again to that point and adjust the laser to the point recommended for alternate rows.

Caution: if you leave a space there will be a space – it’s best to match the lines with your laser, then slide the machine across the quilt to see if any stitching falls above the line and adjust slightly if needed.

* Note: If your pattern does not have a bottom and top line, you can draw it in by laying a yardstick along the lowest points (or highest) on the paper pattern and drawing a line to intersect with the dashed line at the end of the pattern.

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Tips for setting up a Floral Wholecloth Quilt…

…using Wedding Bell Swag, Floral Medallion, Rosebud Striped border. etc.  I’ve posted a Floral Wholecloth Layout with many of the floral patterns.  Reading through the following  directions (although specific for the three listed) will be helpful in planning your individualized quilt layout.

The following instructions come with the Floral Medallion pattern but they may be useful for setting up quilting for the Wedding Bell Swag with other combinations.

So you want to make a whole cloth quilt?

There are many options, so have fun mixing and matching.

Here are some pointers for completing an 80” sq. Wedding Bell Quilt as pictured on the Wedding Bell Swag posting.

Patterns needed:       Wedding Bell Swag Border

Rosebud Striped Border

Floral Medallion

You can make a 108” quilt by following the included diagram. The Additional Tips for quilting the swag will be helpful.

1.  The Wedding Bell Swag pattern prefers a 30” throat space.

(I have a 24” and although I finally got everything

joined-up piecemeal, it took time!  If you decide to try it,

be sure to quilt AROUND the corner’s edge as far as you can.)

2.  If necessary you can make the quilt slightly smaller or a few inches

larger by changing the length of the outer stripes.

3.  After loading the quilt start at either the top or the bottom.

I recommend Quilting across the entire end including both complete

corners.  The following method will maintain the “fit” of the stripes.

(You’ll need to cut the corner from the main pattern so you can

“attach” it to both ends.)

Additional Tips

A. First, starting at the corner, quilt the flowery, be-ribboned

Wedding Bell Swag halfway across.

B. Go back and quilt the stripes around the corner and under the swag

half-way across. (If you don’t want the stripes you could use


C.  Move the corner into position at the other end.

D. Quilt the flowery swag the rest of the way including the corner.

E. Now quilt the stripes the rest of the way and around the corner.

F. Place your needle at the inside corner of the swag and with a

wet-erase marker or a pin, put a dot on the quilt at that


Repeat at the other end.

4.  Align and stitch the Rosebud Border ¼” inside the swag. (Measure this

from the points that you marked.  The ¼” may vary with the stretch

of your fabric so adjust the Rosebud stripes so they come out even.

Move the corners in and tape or paper-clip in place.)

When stitching, I apply clamps on the track to stop the stripes evenly

at both the top and bottom, but it’s not necessary.  Machines love to

go straight!

5. Center the lower portion of the Floral Medallion with the inside of the

Rosebud Border.  (The pattern between corners should be

approx. 37 ¾”.)

It’s likely to have shrunk to about 37”.  The Floral Medallion

measures 36” square.  You’ll need to allow ½ ” all around it.

Therefore start ½ ” inside the inner corner of the Rosebud border.)

6.  Stitch across the first panel, then align the top corner point with the

lower corner of the next panel. Do not leave a space, but do move

the machine across and make sure high points do not extend

beyond the line of the pattern and adjust slightly if necessary.

7.  Continue by stitching center and upper panels.

8.  Allowing ½ ” space – align, center, and stitch the opposite Rosebud

Border (upside down).

9.  Allowing ¼” align, center and stitch the opposite Wedding Bell Swag

border, upside down, with corners attached.

You may find it necessary to reload the quilt and quilt it from the

opposite end if your batting is thick and minimizes the throat space.

As before, stitch half-way across, then go back and do the stripes.

Repeat the rest of the way across.

10.  Remove quilt and re-load to stitch the two sides.  You’ll have to

pull the clamps very tightly.

11. Align and stitch the Rosebud border.  (This will help to evenly

distribute the fullness which is inevitable.)

12. Align and stitch the Wedding Bell Swag pattern between the corners.

Again go half-way and then do the stripes, repeat.

13. Turn the quilt and repeat steps 11 and 12 for the borders on the

opposite side.

14. Finally roll the quilt to the middle section and, IF DESIRED,  apply a

fine stippling style of your choice between the flowers and ribbons of

the center medallion to create a “faux trapunto.”  You may also

apply the same stippling around the ribbons of the swag borders

rather than the stripes, if desired.

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Tips for Using MeadowLyon Block Designs

If you are transferring the designs to stitch on a home sewing machine or to embroider by hand you may find these methods helpful:

CENTERING – MeadowLyon Block Patterns have  “centering lines”  for easy placement.    I think the easiest way to find the center of a square is to draw lines with a disappearing marker or simply a length of thread, diagonally both ways,  from corner to corner.  Poke a pin through the center of the pattern into the center indicated on the fabric.  Using the “centering lines”,  measure* to assure they are parallel to the outer lines of the fabric “block.” ( * Of course I  “eyeball” it and you probably will too!)

TRACING – Place the paper pattern on a light box, an empty picture frame with glass, or a window.  Tape in place.  Next place the fabric over it and center it using the convenient centering cross-lines.  Tape in place.  Trace the design onto the fabric with  a.) a washable marker or washable fabric marker;  b.) a disappearing marker;  c.) tailor’s chalk pencil;  d.) a carbon leaded pencil that will wash out.  There are lots of great products on the market! You can even get a white Clover marker to use on dark fabrics.

TRANSFERRING BY CARBON – On a hard surface, place a transferring medium such as dressmaker’s carbon* or “Saral” carbons over the fabric.  Next place the paper pattern on top and trace over it with a ball point pen or stylus.  (* Personally I do not like the carbon that is purple.  It’s wet and smears all over!)

CREATE A STENCILOption A – Stitch through the paper pattern and after placing it on the fabric use a pounce pad to make through the “stencil.”  This is convenient if you need to transfer the same design many times.  Option B – Lay :” Bridal Tulle” over the pattern and trace with a fine line, permanent marker.  When you want to transfer the pattern, lay the Tulle over the fabric, pin in place,  and draw over the line with a chalk pencil.  The chalk line will go through the holes of the Tulle to the fabric.

TRANSFER PENCILS – The latest tool is a great one. The transfer pencil (made by Fons and Porters and other brands too) create an iron-on stencil just like the old embroidery transfers.  Simply turn the block pattern over, place it on a light box or window, and draw the line on the back of the block.  When you’ve finished you’ll be able the place the block (right side up) over your fabric and “iron on” the stitching line.

TEAR AWAY –  Option A – Trace the design from the pattern onto a tear away paper such as that sold through Golden Threads.  Adhere the tissue to your fabric with pins or spray adhesive.  Sew through the paper and tear away.  Option B – Lay “Press n’ Seal” plastic wrap over the paper pattern.  Trace the design onto the film with a washable marker*.  Stick the film to your fabric and stitch through it.  Tear away.  ( * Always test the marker in a trial run first.  Vis-a-vis markers for transparencies, Dry erase markers and permanent markers work well on the film, BUT, if you are using a long-arm machine, the heat of the needle may “set” vestiges of marker in your fabric.)


LONG-ARM MACHINE QUILTING – Of course you can place the pattern on the bed of your quilting machine table and follow the line with your laser or pointer.  If you’re working from the front of the machine, DeLoa Jones suggests you place the pattern on a cookie sheet and adjust the laser to the page.   You’ll still need to find the center of the block and direct your laser to that point.  Then you can move to one of the starting points on the continuous-line block pattern and begin stitching.