Brrr! Everything is snowy! Let’s have a JANUARY WHITE SALE All white themed patterns 15% OFF through January.

Isn’t it fun to build a snowman? Here’s a cute SNOWMAN pillow designed for one of our birthday partys. All the little girls made their own. It was so fun. This picture is the one my daughter finished. Your kids can have fun with this too – even boys! It’s a FREE DOWNLOAD.
Frothy Seas 2 of 4.5″, Frothy Seas 11″, Frothy Seas 2 of 8″, Frothy Seas 15″, “Meringue 11“
Calla Lily 8″or Calla Lily 11″ Ski Slopes 11″
Winter Games 11″ Winter Games Blocks
Clear Stream 11″ Wedding Doves 11″
Penguins on Parade 11Penguins on Parade Blks
Penguin Snowstorm Quilt Stoneware Churn 10″
SnowBirds 11″ Snowbird Borders 6″
Love your designs! You are such an artist! It was a thrill to meet you at “Quilting with Machines.” Wish you sold your designs digitally….
Thanks Karen,
It was fun meeting you as well. We do have all our patterns digitized and they are sold through legacyquilting.com
Happy Quilting! Judy
Hello Karen, my friend Barbie Lajti gave me your name as someone who I might contact to get 3 quilts finished.she speaks very highly of your work. My number is 419-707-4618 if you are able to help. My name is Trina Adkins thank you!
Hello Trina, That is a very nice compliment but perhaps it is miss-directed since I am not Karen. Currently I live in Thailand and am serving an LDS church mission here. I’m sorry I cannot help in finishing your quilts. I’m sure they are lovely. Instead, I’m keeping an eye out for quilts over here and will have a fun new truck show when I return next year. I hope you find someone to help with your quilts. Sincerely, Judy Lyon