We all want to make those special quilts for the men we know – but there’s always the dilemma of how to quilt them. Worry no more! Here’s a big selection of man-friendly patterns. Stock up while they’re on sale THIS MONTH! Hooray!
Golf Course 11: Pictogram
Modern Skylines 11″ Interlocking My Dad took took us on a Kiwanis Convention to New York City.
Backwoods 11″ Pictogram One son loves hiking up into the Backwoods.
Campout 11″ Pictogram My Dad always took us Camping every summer! My son-in-law takes the family camping in their “pop-up.” Another takes his family camping at the lake.
Fish Tales 3.5″ w Fish Bait Dad was from Minnesota and loved sitting in a boat all day fishing.
Ponderosa Pine Spray 9″ E2E
Clear Stream 11″ Innovative Interlocking Hubby took us camping in the Ozarks where they had a Clear Stream like this.
Sandy Shore 10″ E2E What about the sons who take their kids to the beaches? Our family lived on the beach in Hawaii, courtesy of Uncle Sam.
Modern Southwest 11″ E2E My Dad had a Desert vacation cabin. I remember being on the roof watching Mom and Dad pound in nails!
Ski Slopes 11″ Pictogram My son-in-law has been teaching his kids to ski this winter.
Snakeskin 10″ E2E We had a graveyard for the snakes and pack rats at our Desert house.
Who is a Father in your life? Is it your own distinguished Father? He might enjoy a lap-quilt for his recliner.
Is it your husband – the strongman who lifts things for you. He’s the one who reaches the high shelves and the one who checks the oil in your car. He might like a new quilt for the yacht or your family vacation cabin.
Or is it your collegiate son or the fun-loving guy who has made your daughter the luckiest girl in the world. They’d like rugged quilts for backpacking or camping with the kids!
Mustang Stampede Interlocking 2 rows of 8″
Ropin’ Horseshoes 4″ w Knotty Pine 6″
Orchestra 11″ vertical pantograph Joe was in “Jazz Band” and Grandkids excel in the strings section!

Workbench 10″ E2E One of our sons remodeled his own house – kitchen drawers and all! My son-in-law built this climbing wall for his kids.
Sports Nut 10″ Interlocking Soccer was the game our sons loved.
Dawgs 11″ Pictogram My son’s 8 kids love their dogs!
Dragons Galore 11″ Pictogram They are all computer geeks! Does this count?
G I Firepower 10″ E2E My husband was an Army officer.
G I Patrol 11″ Pictogram Ditto!
Maori Moko Interlocking 15″ He took us to Hawaii and Asia.

Sports Car Classics 6″ E2E I have a son who LOVES car specs.
Truckin’ Along 10″ E2E He even drove a truck for a moving company.
Car Classics 8″ E2E My Dad loved tinkering with cars – that’s him leaning over the motor!
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