GI Patrol 11″ Pictogram


7 in stock (can be backordered)


If you’re intent on reality, this is the armored military pattern you’ll enjoy.  With more realistic representations than it’s companion pattern “GI Firepower,” purists will want these images emblazoned on their quilts.  Even the “order” of the patrol is in place with the Bradleys leading the way followed by Abrams tanks and HMWWVs.  In real life this grouping would be followed up by another Abrams and Bradley.  But, there’s no room on the pattern and there wouldn’t be on your quilt either.  So, arrange them as you like.  We’ve placed them in separate panels for mix and match.

If you start quilting with the HMWWVs on the right side of the quilt, for the next row across start with the Abrams trio.  This will give a nice staggered effect so the vehicles are not right on top of each other.  Alignment directions are included on the pattern.For Alignment help see the “Tips” section.

My husband was career Army.  I have a warm spot in my heart for all of the servicemen and women who work to preserve the freedoms we enjoy and, in fact, take for-granted.

Want this pattern?  Buy it for 20% OFF in the GI FIREPOWER SET.

Many thanks to Michelle Oberlander for sharing with us photos of how she used GI Patrol on the diagonal in her dramatic blue and white quilt!

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  1. GI Firepower Set #51 | MeadowLyon Designs

    […] Set includes:  GI Patrol 11″ Pictogram, GI Firepower 10″ E2E, and a border for the perimeter American Stripe […]

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