“BATS” Yesterday I added a new FREE pdf ! You’ll love the way it looks on your Halloween Quilt!

The air is getting a little cooler, thank goodness! I just hope it doesn’t get so cold the kids all have to cover up their costumes with coats. AND! Heaven forbid, snow like we had one year. It’s late & We’ve got to get those Halloween patterns off the shelves before they’re mummified!

I love my Halloween Kaleidoscope Quilt. I love making Kaleidoscopes and arranging them in new ways. Click HERE for the tutorial. They make a perfect quilt for so many of these Halloween fabrics!
Plus, I’m always thinking about all the yummy treats for Halloween. I hope you like my – Floating on Air -“GHOSTIES” – to go along with my “Ghostly Feathers” pattern. Learn how to make them below.
Every October when our kids were small I would decorate the front door with spider webs made of black or white yarn and hang big plastic spiders on them. Then, there was the year James made Jack Pumpkinhead and he has been our door greeter ever since. See him in last years Halloween post. AND get the recipe for our yummy “pumpkin-filled” Pumpkin Face Cookies. here
Purr-fect Black Cat PDF pattern https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/the-purrr-fect-black-cat/ Bright Chewy Orange Crinkles Recipe Card-Orange Crinkles
Don’t get creeped-out by my “Spider Webs” Pantograph. Ohhh, they’re so realistic and soooo Creeeepy! It reminds me of the spiders the boys made in Cub Scouts. See below.

Okay – I’m not really crazy about spiders. I step on them purposely, but I had 5 boys and, well, boys like stuff like that! Here’s a paper bowl spider I taught the boys to make in scouts. Kids love creeping it along! It has been loads of fun over the years. 25 years to be exact! (It’s a little weather-beaten!)
Make the “control” hand piece with wooden strips and tie the strings to them. One string to the body. 1 each to the front and back legs and 2 legs each to the center sticks. A close-up. The body is made from a heavy paper bowl and the bulging eyes were added with instant papier mache then painted. Each of the boys made one. I love him all sprawled out. Put a screw eye in the center of the spider and attach it’s string to the center of the control. Attach wooden legs with a small square of black cloth, wrapped around and glued in place-+ and wrapped with string to secure them. Glue them to the under-side of the body. Here’s a close-up of the legs with the string glued on. When you want to put him away, wind him up to prevent the strings from getting tangled.
Here are some other fun Halloween patterns and recipes/ideas to go with them!
Jack O’Lanterns Pictogram Jack O’Lanterns closeup. “Filled” Pumpkin Face Cookies Halloween Night Layout ideas. More tame tastes? I’ll include Pumpkin Patch in the sale, both 8″ and 11″ sizes. “4 Little Patterns”
Diana Reinhardt Annis made this great quilt with Funny Bones FUNNY-BONES https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/funny-bones-2270/ More bones?? Yes “TREE BONES” It makes a great “spooky” texture! Tree Bones stitched by Julie Lucht.
Another favorite and EASY pattern is “Ghostly Feathers!” https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/ghostly-feathers-2456/
My mom used to add chocolate chips to her meringues. She called them Surprises! I didn’t do it on these “Ghosties” but you might want to try it. The chips don’t show on the outside!
It was fun coming up with new cookies this Halloween. Serve them with your “Ghostly” quilt. Fit a pastry bag with a coupler or large round tip. Fill it with the meringue. Pipe out: head first then swing over to the arms and swish down the tail! All piped out on parchment paper and ready to bake. Checked for doneness at 50 min. It’s just right and light as air. Yumm! all baked and ready to float away! I can’t resist!

Isn’t this a fun Ghost pie my friend Virginia made?
Do you have a ghost cookie cutter? Let me dig through my baking drawer and see if I have one.

It’s windy today and I’m afraid the leaves will turn and blow off the trees before I can get my Thanksgiving candles made. Go here for the Ice Candle tutorial. Make them NOW while there are still leaves to gather and put them in your freezer!