I don’t know about your kids, but mine did a lot of Monkey-ing around! In fact, it wouldn’t be incorrect to call them little monkeys! (Plus, I told them many times NOT to jump on the beds.) So let’s make some cute quilts for Children’s Day coming up on June 14th.

Let’s have fun with kids – many have been with their kids 24-7 for the first time these past weeks. I hope it’s been a fun, if revealing, experience. For many it’s been a great opportunity to increase the familial bonds and have fun together. If you haven’t had the privilege of being with your kids, you might consider gifting a kid’s quilt to provide a fun distraction for weary parents or for refugees. (Even a whole cloth with a fun panto is easily done but very enjoyable.)
When I lived in Korea I discovered Kids Day was May 5th. I had never heard of a kids day and was pleasantly surprised. In the US it is June 14th (or the second Sunday in June.) So you’ll have time to get a quilt or two made for your favorite kids.
I’ve started making a list of some fun and easy ideas for kids quilts. First is my Monkey Fun/Socky Monkey pattern. This is the link to the PDF version. I’ve made several from this pattern with slight variations and fabrics. Here’s a little gallery of them all. AND a tutorial. (The PDF pattern was FREE for the Virtual Quilt Show and I’ve extended the price for May.)
Socky Monkey socky monkey closeup Another colorway. It all depends on the monkey fabrics available. https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/monkey-fun-quilt-w-sockey-monkey-variation/ monkey fun closeup For one of these I used the “Cat’s Meow” image.
https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/kitty-cats-cradle/ A doll Quilt Kitty Cat’s Cradle Quilt https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/kitty-cats-cradle/ Cat’s Meow used in the Monkey Fun layout. Kitty Cats Pictogram https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/kitty-cats/ Cat’s meow border pattern stacked https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/cats-meow/ Cat’s Meow Border pattern https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/cats-meow/ The “Cat’s Meow” template is also found in the Kitty Cat’s Cradle quilt pattern. Easy body and fusible applique for the border.
FREE download a Paper Pieced Sailboat!

Download the FREE pattern and tutorial for this Paper Pieced Sailboat HERE.
When I was growing up we didn’t have a sailboat but we did have an “outboard” for water skiing. Good memories! My brother asked the “shop” teacher in high school if he could build a boat. “If your Dad takes the night class and works on it with you.” And so they did. Can you imagine the rest of the guys in class making lamps while my brother worked on his boat??!!
Novelty Pantographs paired with novelty fabric=cute little quilts!
Dinosauria Pictogram https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/dinosauria/ Dino-Babies E2E https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/dino-babies/ FREE Tyranosaurus https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/ship-in-a-bottle/ Dragon Riders https://www.meadowlyon.com/?s=dragon&post_type=product On this quilt you’ll see Dancing Princesses, Castle Fantasy and Dragon Sky! https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/dancing-princesses/ Train fabric and Holly Express Holly Express (can leave off holly) https://www.meadowlyon.com/?s=holly+express&post_type=product
Do you remember Peaky and Spike?

“Peaky and Spike” was a design element popularized by Doreen Speckmann. I asked my local quilt guild to make me these easy blocks of “fish.” I ended up with enough for 3 twin sized quilts! When my grandsons received them they spread them out on the floor and squealed with delight as they found all the fish that were quilted into them.
Cut from a 5 .5 inch strip for 5″ finished squares. Cutting “spikes” cut 5.5″ squares of background and fish fabric Sewing the spikes onto the points Press as you go finished “spike” blocks Layout ready to sew together Finished fish Quilt it with “Fishy Business” Pictogram.https://www.meadowlyon.com/?s=fishy+business&post_type=product

Since we’re making quilts with fish – Isn’t this a fun idea for your kids! Check out the directions. It’s from Beth at https://thefirstyearblog.com/under-the-sea-graham-crackers/ Don’t worry I have her permission. ENJOY!

Turn any Blocks or even Pantos into a Coloring Party! Kids love coloring. Stitch out a few Fishy Business Blocks for them to color using dye coloring sticks or even crayons. Eleanor Sassnet did this on her beautiful prize winning quilt.
Turn any Blocks or even Pantos into a Coloring Party!
Fishy Business Blocks #2 https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/fishy-business-5/ Dolly’s Tea Party https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/dollys-tea-party/ Fairy Flower Blocks https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/fairy-blossom-blocks/ Soda Fountain Blocks https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/soda-fountain/ Sundae Treats – prize winning quilt by Helen Baczynski. Owlets https://www.meadowlyon.com/shop/owlets-2284/
There are lots more kid friendly patterns. I’ll put some on “sale” on the home page.

I almost forgot I was going to give you a Dinosaur Puppet pattern. I made it for the kids in Thailand – the home of Siamosaurus!